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Showing posts from March, 2016

Private tour package for up to 10 pax - Discover Angkor Wat, Taprohm, Bayon, Bakheng Temple

Angkor Panorama Museum

In a large parking zone outside Cambodia's celebrated Angkor Wat temples complex stands a brand new museum built by North Korea, a part of a lucrative charm offensive by a hermit state exporting its monumental art to a handful of foreign allies. "They feel like they're back in the time of Angkor", said Yit Chandaroat, of the Angkor Panorama, relating the world heritage site that includes the remains of the various capitals of the Khmer Empire, dating from the ninth to the fifteenth centuries. Behind him stands the museum's piece Diamond State resistance, a huge 360-degree panorama that sixty three North Korean painters from the state-owned Mansudae Art Studio toiled away on for more than a year. The paintings portray the battles of the direful Khmer Empire at the apogee of its power in the eleventh and thirteenth centuries and the construction of Angkor Wat. The museum is over a friendly gesture. With 1,000 artists on the books the studio is usual...

An investigation into sugar corporations

In January 2015, the EU employed 2 consultants to carry out an investigation into allegations of forced evictions by sugar corporations doing business with the alinement, however the results of that probe have yet to be made public. The delegation in Cambodia sent a press release to the Post, that said it absolutely was “clear that the issues on the chance of attainable accusations of guiltiness with alleged land grabbing and human rights abuses associated with sugar cane production in Kingdom of Cambodia is discouraging EU importers to supply from Cambodia, and the private sector to further invest in this trade.” Calls by Anadolu Agency to David Pred, managing director of inclusive Development International, and Eang Vuthy, executive director of equitable Cambodia, were unsuccessful on Tuesday. Both NGOs are part of a coalition that originated what's called the “Clean Sugar” campaign in 2011 that place pressure on the Thai MitrPhol and Khon Kaen Sugar business firms,...

Cambodia's minorities education

Cambodia's marginalized indigenous populations are steady gaining opportunities due to a replacement trilingual education programs. Now, the government is starting to expand the comprehensive efforts. Twelve-year-old Chhean Srey methamphetamine hydrochloride dreams of being an instructor once she grows up. It’s a goal that currently, because of a sweeping and innovative education program, is accessible. Srey meth attends a straightforward, three-room school in Cambodia's Kratie province where she, together with some seventy different students of Phnong ethnicity, benefits from multilingual education. The students begin learning in their first language before the national language of Khmer is step by step phased into the course of study. This is a forceful sendoff from the past. In Cambodia, ethnic minorities have long been obstructed from education. The long distance to travel to school was a deterrence, and people who did attend usually faced discriminat...

General Secondary Education during the 2009 – 2013 period

During the 2009–2013 period, a number of policy level actions are taken. The program for secondary education development and the operational manual for educational activity resource center are approved, a child Friendly school Policy for basic education, and changes in course of study development. The in-service training systems for maths and sciences were developed. The local life skills, ICT, tourism program is approved and library standards for middle school are written. The enrollment in and the quality of secondary education has improved slightly. The repetition rate has reduced slightly but the dropout rate has not modified. A lot of students have chosen science subjects; but, the quality of student learning these subjects is unclear as there's no national assessment test conducted at Grade twelve. Scholarships were provided annually. Students achieved mathematics and sciences medals from SEAMEO Olympiad and International Olympiad challenge. National evalua...

Khmer Riels and the U.S. Dollar in Cambodian Society

Unlike neighboring Vietnam, Cambodia has so far kept away from forcing businesses and other people to use the riel for concern of destabilizing an economy less than 0.2 percent the scale of China’s. Its standing as Asia’s “most dollarized” country leaves it at risk of changes in U.S. monetary policy and erodes export competitiveness because the dollar strengthens, according to the IMF. Policy makers are currently making an attempt to vary that. They’re counting on an economy that’s forecast to grow quicker than China’s to win trust in the local currency. Government salaries, taxes and utilities are paid in riel and the 3 stocks listed on the Cambodia Securities Exchange trade in it. The central bank has conjointly improved the standard of currency notes to encourage their use. The dollar effectively replaced the riel once the Khmer Rouge abolished money and blew up the central bank during a communist revolution that killed around 1.7 million people from 1975 to 1979, exploi...

Business Opportunities in Cambodia

Cambodia is a developing market economy that grew at an average rate of over seven percent in the last decade, driven largely by an expansion in the garment sector, construction, agriculture, and tourism. In 2014, the economy grew by an estimated seven percent and it is expected to continue to grow at a similar rate over the next two years. Per capita GDP increased from US$367 in 2003 to US$1,130 in 2014. As of 2012, the percentage of the population living below the poverty line was 17.7 percent (poverty line was US$1.20 per person per day), a three percent decrease from 2011. Since Cambodia became the first least-developed country (LDC) to join the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2004, trade has steadily increased. The United States is one of Cambodia’s largest trading partners. Approximately 33 percent of Cambodia’s total exports are destined for the United States - primarily garment and footwear products. In 2014, Cambodian exports to the United States were valued at US$2.8...

U.S. supports $1 million for food project to empower Cambodian women

Funding for the $1 million project, titled Women in Agriculture Network Cambodia: Gender and Ecologically Sensitive Agriculture, was awarded by the Feed the Future Sustainable Intensification Innovation Lab, which is based at Kansas State University. The program is supported by the U.S. Agency for International Development as part of Feed the Future, the U.S. government's global hunger and food security initiative. Smallholder farmers produce nearly half of the world's food, but they often have notoriously low yields, strong gendered divisions of labor and limited financial resources, according to lead investigator Rick Bates, professor of horticulture at Penn State. "Small-scale farming systems such as these -- prevalent in many developing countries -- have been called 'very resilient poverty traps' that are characterized by chronic food and nutrition insecurity," said Bates, whose expertise includes horticulture enterprise development and sustainab...

Cambodian authorities apprehended more than 100 Chinese

Radio Free Asia: Cambodian authorities on Wednesday apprehended more than 100 Chinese who allegedly were involved in a scam to extort money from people in China during a raid on a casino in a northwestern border town, a Cambodian police official said. Authorities also confiscated several Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephones, mobile phones and other related technology during the raid on the casino, which is owned by Cambodian senator and business tycoon Kok An of the ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP), according to local media reports. Cambodian authorities arrested a group of 168 Chinese nationals early last November in Sihanoukville province in the southwestern part of the country, nabbing them in a sting operation for using VoIP technology to extort money from hundreds of people back home. Read more at ARF .

Business Registration Process

For investors seeking investment incentives, such as a tax holiday and lower corporate profit taxes, it is first necessary to apply to the Cambodian Investment Board for an investment license and award of the various available incentives. In the interest of space, the steps necessary in order to make this application are not included here. Ministry of Commerce Any person or group of persons "doing business" must register with the Ministry of Commerce. While there is no particular definition of "doing business", it will usually be obvious when this applies. Registration at the Ministry of Commerce requires filing the company statutes. These are known by various names in various countries and some readers may be more familiar with the term Memorandum and Articles of Association or Certificate of Incorporation and company by-laws. They all serve the same purpose; that is, they state who owns the company, who are the directors, who are the shareholders and ho...

Ta Prom Temple and Its Representational Arts

Unlike most of the temples of Angkor, ta prom has been mostly left to the clutches of the living jungle. With its interaction between nature and art, this atmospheric temple may be a favorite for several - who cannot help but feel slightly like Indiana Jones or Lara croft (which was filmed here) as they choose through the rubble. During the 17th century after the fall of the Khmer Empire, Ta Prom was abandoned and neglected for hundreds of years. Once the effort to restore the temples of Angkor began within the early twenty first century, the École française d'Extrême-Orient determined that ta prom would be left for the most part because it had been found, as a concession to the general style for the picturesque. Consistent with pioneering Angkor scholar Maurice Glaize, Ta Prom was singled out because it had been one of the foremost imposing temples and also the one that act unified with the jungle, however not yet to the purpose of changing into a part of it. However, much...